A lot of people may struggle to know the difference between residential and commercial painters, we’ve seen many people make the mistake at confusing the two, but the difference between is quite simple, and we’d like to help you understand it. We also know that the two companies are quite similar and don’t give much hints to say which they are sometimes but as potential customers, it’s important to know the difference before you make a major decision and hire them out for your project.
What material are to be painted?
Whichever type of painters you go for, for your project, will be majorly influenced by the type of company that will be needed to get the job done. So it is always advisable to consult with the company before hiring them for the project. Let’s get into more detail about what we mean by every job is influenced by the type of contractor you hire.
How big is the project?
The two types of paint contractors works on two different scales, commercial paint companies work on a much bigger scale than your normal residential company. So any business type buildings, hotels, school, hospitals, all forms of high, big buildings, that would be the usual work for a commercial paint company. Likewise, it’s much different for a residential company, where you would find these companies working on smaller projects such as houses, small properties or ceilings. The type of equipment and material they use are also different to the ones which commercial companies use. So it might be tough if you hire a commercial company to do your house for you. They may not be use to the type of house paint which is used to paint a house.
What is your deadline?
Different paint companies work during different times because of the type of project they’re working on. Residential paint companies work mostly during work hours, whereas commercial companies have the means and necessary equipment to handle the nights work. But if your schedule is a bit awkward for a company to paint in the day, any good paint company would do something to fit your schedule and perform the job for you despite it being their normal time to work.
Will you need a paint company?
A1A wants to offer you good, quality service that will transform your home into something totally different and more beautiful than the previous look. You can count on us for all your painting needs and profession consultations. Contact us today if you’re interested in hiring us, or fill out our personal details form and we’ll get in touch with you.